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Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Montage: Crab Rangoon!

        Welcome to Monday, the most glorious -- oh who am i kidding nobody's thrilled it's monday. (On a similar note, i seriously cannot stand Garfield. I want to watch him burn in a hobo fire with great fiery passion.)

        BUT! in the honor of it being my new blogging schedule (and the fact that i've noticed i can have this post written on a thursday and posted on a monday....) I've decided to grace you all with my shit-tastic photography skills. Enjoy. 
         This week's awesome noms were inspired by the extremely tasty Food People Want because for ages i've been craving Crab Rangoon. Not just like "Oh, it sounds pretty good, i'll get that the next time i go to the mall", i mean like Holy crap this is what it must feel like to be pregnant, i need it NOW kind of craving. (No, i'm not pregnant.) So Jim -- my loving tolerant sweet sweet fiance Jim... -- did the most wonderful thing in the world for me the other day, and bought the stuff to make homemade rangoons. (Baby, i love you!)
        We found Michael Parlapiano's gorgeous blog from our daily searches on Foodgawker. We wanted a recipe that was simple, wasn't too overcomplicated with ingredients we didn't have -- just pure sweet rangoon -- and my god did this recipe deliver!

        (Please note i may or may not be having a love-affair with Jim's Camera. I am not a photographer by any means -- (as you can obviously see) -- but this camera really makes me want to try o.o)

        We live in Indiana, so getting fresh crab isn't always easy. (or cheap!) So unfortunately, we had to go with the pre-packaged fake crab. But damnit it was still tasty!

  • 1 8oz Package of fake crab sticks
  • 1 8oz Block of cream cheese (softened)
  • 1/2 tsp Worchestershire sauce (Fact: I cannot pronounce that word for the life of me. Same with "Tranquilizer")
  • 1/2 tsp Soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp Grated ginger
  • 1/2 tsp Lemon juice
  • 1-2 green onions, sliced paper-thin (we omitted these because dad won't eat anything with the word "onion" in it...)
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Store-bought wonton skins
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Oil for frying
  • In a large bowl, combine the crab meat and cream cheese until combined. 
  • Add the W-sauce, Soy Sauce, ginger, Lemon juice, green onions, and pepper and mix well. 
  • In a small bowl or cup, mix together the water, cornstarch, and egg yolk to make a glue. 
  • Take a wonton wrapper, and -- using your finger or a brush -- brush the egg mixture on the bottom and right edges. 
  • Using a rounded tablespoon, spoon the crab mixture into the wonton -- Do no overfill! It's going to look like you don't have enough. You will! Remember, you have to fold these!! 
  • Fold the wontons over into a triangle shape, so that the two wed sides, meet the two dry sides. pinch closed. Either use a fork to flute the edges (and seal them) or you can play around with your boyfriend's kitchen gadgets and make nifty edges with his ravioli maker you forgot you still had from christmas. 
  • Repeat with remaining wontons. 
  • When you run out of wontons, spread on crackers and continue eating. 
  • Preheat oven to 200° 
  • Fill a large (heavy bottom) pot with enough oil to fry with. Heat until oil is 350°, or until your boyfriend starts impatiently tossing rangoons in. 
  • Working in batches, fry 3-4 (or less, depending on how big your pot is) pockets at a time until golden brown and poofy. 
  • Fish them out of the oil and place on a rack with a paper towel to drain excess grease. 
  • Place in the oven to keep them warm, or eat directly from the pan while you fiddle with your camera and have a food-gasm.  

        Food.People.Want also provides a recipe for homemade sweet and sour sauce, but let's just say there wasn't enough time to finish the sauce before the rangoons were finished off. I'm happy to say however, that we got my cream-cheese-hating-little-brother to love cream cheese again. Mission accomplished? I think so.
        Next week I'll be posting the lovely recipe to RedFlag's "Chocolate covered Oatmeal Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies".

[Insert Homer Simpson drool sound here]

        Hopefully mine will turn out as pretty!!


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