Mitchell was able to explore Europe and in-turn, got to see some of the most amazing and awe-inspiring sights.
He was able to celebrate his 21'st birthday over there, experiencing wines, beers, and probably a lot of other high-proof beverages.
He made new friends who we all can't wait to meet someday!

But in the end, we all missed them dearly. Some of us, (Erika, Lauren, and Rachel) were able to go to Europe and meet Mitch, traveling for a week (or was it two?) and take in all the wonder that is England and Ireland.

Well... apparently Jim's cell never got the text/calls, and we didn't have internet to check facebook ... but we arrived like an hour and a half early (their plane was delayed a LOT so the party was at 10:30 instead of 9:00...) with Jack and his amazingly awesome girlfriend Karel (who kind of reminds me of Amy Pond) So we were at least able to hang out and catch up (and hear some crazy stories about orange-skinned Japanese girls with claws, goth guys with spiked purses, and giant agry alleycats hiding in shadows reminiscent to horror movies.)
All-in-all it turned out alright after a couple of phonecalls, and a trip to the local coffee shop the party was finally on.
Oh, and i FINALLY made a batch of Rainbow Cupcakes that had eggs in them. They were amazing and delicious.

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