Point being, i'm picky about my centerpieces. I've never been a huge fan of all the roses and carnations... I've never wanted imported tulips from holland. Heck the most "exotic" flower i think i'd have at my wedding is a tiger lily plucked from the side of the road and medical-taped together while i'm running late for my own walk down the aisle! anywho, i want my reception to be special, and to me? it doesn't really matter what kind of flowers will be there, as long as they don't cost me an arm and a leg, and nobody can tell if they're silk or not. haha. (seriously, if they're cheaper? i'm going for it o.O)
Also? the three-to-six foot tall centerpieces that tower over the table and draped in swarovski crystals? sorry luvs, but that just doesn't get my panties wet like it does all those "haute-Couture" brides. I'd rather have tealight candles and teapots lining my tables than that crap.
So far i've found a *couple* of centerpieces that have caught my eye... what are they you ask? well let's find out!

Thirdly, is this amazing idea i've had ever since i first seen these baby-food jars, suspended from tree branches, lit with tiny candles... It's hanging flowers! I've seen this done on sooooo many wedding sites that i kinda feel a little like "eh, i've seen it before... " but seriously? i still want to do this. I think it's adorable, and gives that DIY feel. Informal, instead of everybody having to sit down to a formal dinner and using napkins and etc. Well anyways-- i think it'd be perfect (for my own wedding at least...) stop by the local whatsit store, and grab a few assorted bottles in different shapes, sizes, and color and then just pour a little water, grab some of your neighbor's tulips (if they don't mind that is.. haha) and you've got yourself a nifty centerpiece for mere cents! (The Picture above is the store ill probably be visiting.. "Herbs and Heirlooms" they're amazing and they're in my town! They have SHELVES upon shelves of bottles from bath stuff, wine, those wierd curvy ones that used to have peppers and stuff in them.. all types!)
Another (and sadly i don't have a good picture for this one...) Is a backyard centerpiece. Walk around your backyard (or local park) and find some nature-y things to stick in there! Pinecones, Acorns, Leaves, Flowers, pretty rocks, (the creek by my house has shale in it which is actually pretty cool...) Shells even! all kinds of things! Just find yourself some old Apothecary jars, or those fancy glass things at a hobby and craft store, and stuff em' full of stuff from your backyard. you get that natur-y feel without the Craft-store price. (Because you know, when they spray it with glitter and hot-glue crystals to all the branches and crap it's TOTALLY worth 20 more dollars... psh.)

Well, i know it's not much, but when it comes to centerpieces -- as i said -- i'm picky. If you guys have any of your favorites you'd like to share that are a little off-beat or rustic, feel free! i'd love to see them!
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